Supercharged Product Development

& Quality Engineering


revenue growth since inception


repeat customers

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Trivecta is a leading information technology (IT) solutions and services provider applying innovations to transform customers’ business. We harness the power of technology to provide products & solutions to our customers and enable them to stay ahead in their business. 

Product Engineering

– Rapid time to market

– Cost leadership & rapid ROI

– Increased productivity

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Digital Transformation

– Innovation and Value

– Cost Leadership

– Operational Efficiency

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Cloud Services

– Cost Transperancy​

– Lower Infrastructural Costs

– Infrastructure Agilility

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Quality Engineering

– Rapid Scalability

– Faster Time to market

– Enhanced Customer Experience

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Digital Transformation for SMBs

– Licensing & Consulting

– Implementation & Customization

– Integration & Support

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  • Essential AI Tools to Overcome Data Challenges in Software Testing

    Essential AI Tools to Overcome Data Challenges in Software Testing

    In the previous article, we discussed the critical role of data in AI-driven software testing and highlighted the top 3 challenges: Addressing these challenges is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of AI in identifying defects and optimizing test strategies. In this article, we will explore tools that can help overcome these data challenges. Addressing Challenge…

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  • AI in Software Testing: Top 3 Data Challenges 

    AI in Software Testing: Top 3 Data Challenges 

    The Role of Data in AI-Driven Testing Imagine you are trying to teach a new team member how to identify and fix software bugs. You would probably show them previous test data, test cases, bug reports and guide them through various test scenarios. Software testing AI tools, like this team member, needs extensive data sources…

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  • What Role Does Budgeting Play in Business Success for SMBs?

    What Role Does Budgeting Play in Business Success for SMBs?

    Budgeting is not just about balancing the books; It is about steering the business towards profitability, growth, and sustainability. Budgeting is also more than just a financial plan; it’s a strategic tool that influences decisions, drives performance, and ultimately determines success.  Below, we explore three critical areas where budgeting plays an indispensable role, supported by…

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